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Meet our Proprietor/COO

Dru Allen

Owner Dru Allen in the production space at Compris Vineyard, who enjoys making and sharing premium wines with our community. Owner Dru Allen watching the fruit of one of Compris' natural wines fall through the destemmer during harvest.

Born in Oregon and raised on the West Coast, Dru Allen developed a passion for Willamette Valley Pinot Noir. After building a successful business in logistics, along with his wife Erin Allen, Dru decided it was time to explore his passion. Knowing only a little about how to run a winery, Dru immersed himself in the process of choosing varietals, experimenting with vessels and fermentation, and learning about press fractions and elevage techniques. Growing grapes, making wine, and creating a welcoming and inclusive community is what gets Dru out of bed in the morning and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Dru loves that he can build this dream along with his lovely wife and the many talented and knowledgeable folks at Compris Vineyard.

Our Winemaking Philosophy

Authentic from start to finish, we let our grapes take center stage.

Our Vineyard

12.5 acres located in the beautiful countryside of Newberg, Oregon.